-Nutrition Consultations –

Many people come to me with specific health issues & concerns, some for weight loss, and some just come looking for general advice so that they can fine-tune their existing lifestyle and general diet to look and feel their best.

The most common health concerns I deal with are:

  • low energy/fatigue (incl. symptoms CFS – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME)

  • sugar cravings, blood sugar issues, diabetes

  • digestive trouble (incl. IBS, constipation, bloating, reflux), Diverticulitis, SIBO

  • allergies,

  • weight gain/inability to lose weight,

  • chronic yeast infections,

  • adult acne and teenage acne

  • psoriasis,

  • low mood / anxiety / depression

  • sinus issues,

  • PMS

  • Inflammatory issues and Inflammatory conditions
  • Autoimmune conditions

Here is a more comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list of health issues that can be improved with dietary and lifestyle modifications:

Digestive Problems:

Constipation, Diarrhea, Flatulence, IBS, Reflux, IBS, Food allergies/Intolerances

Hormonal Imbalances/Women’s Health:

Fertility Issues, PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis, Menopause, Recurring Chronic Thrush, Chronic recurring Urinary Tract Infections

Skin Conditions:

Adult Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea

Mental/Emotional Health & Wellbeing:

Low mood, Anxiety, Fatigue, Poor Concentration

Weight Related Issues:

Weight gain/inability to lose weight, sugar cravings, diabetes

Cardio-Vascular Health:

Raised Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Metabolic Syndrome

Children’s Immunity:

Recurrent ear and chest infections, asthma and eczema, teens/ children’s focus, concentration and behavioural issues.

Contact Claire today to discuss your needs and how I can help