“Expert Strategies for Nourishing Your Picky Eater: Insights from Claire Russell, Children’s Nutrition Specialist”

Introduction: In a world teeming with food options, guiding your child’s dietary choices becomes a paramount concern. As a parent, you understand the importance of a varied diet for health, but implementing this with a picky eater can seem daunting. You’re not alone in this journey. Claire Russell, with over two decades of experience in pediatric nutrition, mind coaching, and children’s hypnotherapy, offers unique insights into overcoming these challenges.


  1. Creating a Positive Mealtime Environment: Establish a calm, enjoyable mealtime setting. Family meals, engaging conversations, and a relaxed atmosphere can significantly decrease mealtime anxiety, encouraging your child to explore new foods.
  2. Introducing a Variety of Foods: Regularly expose your child to different fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains. Persistence is key; it often takes multiple introductions for a picky eater to accept a new food.
  3. Role Modelling Healthy Eating: Your eating habits influence your child’s. Demonstrating a diverse, balanced diet can inspire them to be more adventurous with their food choices.
  4. Appreciate the Foods: Get your child to identify, and appreciate the colours, smells and shapes of vegetables and fruits, and other foods on display.
  5. Identify the raw product: At the shop and in the market, Teach them to identify different fruits and vegetables.
  6. Then, ask them their opinion : “Which one do you fancy ?”, “Which one would you like ?”, “Look at that broccoli…”, etc
  7. Involving Your Child in Meal Prep: Engaging your child in the kitchen can foster a sense of ownership and curiosity about their food. This involvement can range from washing veggies to helping assemble dishes.
  8. Making Meals Visually Appealing: Eye-catching presentations and fun names for dishes can make food more intriguing to a picky eater. Think “superhero broccoli” or “rainbow fruit salad”.
  9. Make a game to Identify the flavours: When eating stews, casseroles, soup or puree, play a game to find all the foods or identify the flavours. Children love guessing games
  10. Respecting Their Appetite: Pay attention to your child’s hunger cues. Overloading their plate can be counterproductive. Instead, encourage self-serving or serve smaller portions to reduce food waste.
  11. Patience and Persistence: It’s normal for picky eaters to initially reject new foods. Continuously offering a variety of choices can help them gradually adjust their taste preferences.
  12. Offering Healthy Snacks: Between meals, provide nutritious snacks to ensure your child is receiving necessary calories and nutrients. Options like fruits, thin sliced vegetables, yogurt, or whole-grain crackers are excellent choices.
  13. Seeking Professional Advice: Persistent picky eating may require professional guidance. A pediatric nutritionist can offer customized advice to meet your child’s specific dietary needs.

Highlighting Claire Russell Therapy: At the end of your patience with your child’s picky eating? Claire Russell Therapy offers a unique blend of pediatric nutrition expertise, mind coaching, and hypnotherapy to tackle this issue effectively. With over 20 years of experience, Claire Russell specialises in addressing the unique challenges faced by picky eaters. Her approach is not just about changing eating habits but also transforming your child’s relationship with food through positive reinforcement and psychological support. Opting for Claire Russell Therapy means choosing a path that looks at your child’s nutritional needs holistically, ensuring a balanced approach to healthy eating and mental well-being.

Conclusion: Navigating your child’s picky eating habits can be a complex but rewarding journey. With the right strategies, support, and possibly the guidance of a pediatric nutrition expert like Claire Russell, you can guide your child towards healthier eating patterns. Each child is unique, and progress may vary, but with a positive approach and gradual introduction of new foods, you can foster a lifelong appreciation for nutritious eating.

Call to Action: Ready to transform your child’s eating habits? Click HERE to book a consultation with Claire Russell, a renowned pediatric nutritional therapist, mind coach and clinical hypnotherapist and take the first step towards your healthier future



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